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Financial Business and Consumer Solutions (or FBCS) is a large debt collection agency based out of Pennsylvania, and we have learned of a giant breach that took place earlier this year. Back in February, the company believed that bad actors had accessed privileged information on Valentine’s Day, but unbeknownst to the company, these same criminals had access to their systems for nearly two more weeks that followed.

Original estimates by the company had the breach at close to 2 million users, but we have learned over the weekend that it is more like 3 million. The stolen PPIs include Social Security numbers, driver’s license IDs, names, dates of birth, and more. Due to the buiness it also includes private billing information like student loans, healthcare bills, and commercial debts. Very concerning is that notification about the breach was not sent until over two months after it had been discovered.

Like most breaches, the company is offering 24 month credit monitoring and identity restoration to those impacted. No more information has been shared yet at the time of this writing.