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Life360, the company which owns Tile tracking devices intended to keep family members in the know of where each other are, has confirmed a data breach. Life360 acquired Tile in late 2021 for a major $205 million price tag and boasts of 66 million users worldwide. Needless to say, the company is a major player in the Bluetooth tracking provider space. According to reports, hackers were able to acccess a tool intended for law enforcement requests, giving the nefarious actors access to names, physicial addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and possibly more.

CEO Chris Hulls released a statement summarizing that they will be working with law enforcement but assuring that very little was accessed from what they gather. When media requests asking about the number of users impacted or how the breach was detected however, their response was that they are simply working with law enforcement and have no other updates at this time.

If history proves to be true based on many of the breaches we’ve covered here at Nyedis, this is often what is stated until other major PPIs accessed in a breach are later revealed. We hope this is not the case of course. We will keep you updated as more is learned. If you are a Life360 user, as always we suggest you freeze your credit and take steps in ensuring data safety.